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Funded Research Projects

Prestação de serviço: "Elaboração do Plano de Ação para a Regeneração Urbana (PARU) do Município da Batalha" (para apoio à submissão de candidatura ao Programa Operacional ?Sustentabilidade e Eficiência no Uso dos Recursos? no âmbito do Portugal2020)
Cliente: Câmara Municipal da Batalha
Preço: 9.800 € +  IVA à taxa legal em vigor.
Adjudicado em janeiro de 2016 e com duração prevista de 4 meses.
Equipa técnica: Maria Eduarda Fernandes (coordenadora do projeto), Ana Lúcia Sargento, Ana Sofia Lopes

Aquisição de serviços para a construção do DLBC – Desenvolvimento Local de Base Comunitária – Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Local
NIMA team members:
Maria Eduarda Fernandes, membro da equipa do IPL responsável pela prestação de serviços
Funding body: Associação de Desenvolvimento Terras de Sicó
Recommended Funding: 22.200€ + IVA
Duration: September 2014 - February 2015

Agenda Ansião 2020 – Monitorização das Sessões de Trabalho – Fase 1
NIMA team members: Maria Eduarda Fernandes, coordenadora da equipa do IPL responsável pela prestação de serviços adjudicada
Funding body: Câmara Municipal de Ansião:  (até dezembro de 2014)
Recommended Funding: 4000€
Duration: August 2014 - December2014

Strategic Research Project of the Applied Microeconomics Research Unit [NIMA]
Funding Body:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
Recommended funding:  €14.711,00
Reference: PEst-OE/EGE/UI3181/2014 
Duration: Jan 2014 – Dez 2014 (extended until March 2015)

End of project evaluation: 
Grade A: "The  predicted scientific targets were fully attained. The results suggest great scientific quality, namely with respect to publications in refereed international journals.  The project has contributed to the training of young researchers and to the international projection of the research team.


The crisis within: Labour market (dis)functions and outcomes
Principal Investigator: Priscila Ferreira (NIMA, UMinho)
Research Team: Lara Tavares (ISCSP, UTL), Vitória Mourão (ISCSP, UTL), Ana P. Fernandes (UExeter, UK)
Recommended funding: €14.939. Co-funded by FEDER, €12.698,15, through Eixo I do Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (POFC) do QREN (ref. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-041505) and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, €2.240,85 (ref. EXPL/IIM-ECO/1207/2013).
Reference: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-041505 / EXPL/IIM-EC O/1207/2013
Duration: April/2014 - March/2015 (extended until June 2015)
End of project evaluation: 
Grade A: "The  predicted scientific targets were fully attained. The results suggest great scientific quality, namely with respect to publications in refereed international journals.  The project has contributed to the training of young researchers and to the international projection of the research team.

Ethical goods and pro-social behaviours in the context of economic experiments
Principal Investigator: Marieta Valente (NIMA, UMinho)
Recommended Funding: €25.749. Co-funded by FEDER, €21.886,65, through  Eixo I do Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (POFC) do QREN (ref. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-029231), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (ref. PTDC/IIM-ECO/4574/2012)
Reference: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-029231 / PTDC/IIM-ECO/4574/2012
Duration: June/2013 - May/2015 (extended until August 2015)

The previous two research projects have the financial support of

Plano Estratégico para a Região de Leiria: Leiria Região de Excelência
NIMA team members: Maria Eduarda Fernandes
(IPL, NIMA) [other members: Ana Lopes (IPL, GEMF), Ana Sargento (IPL, CIGS)],
Funding body: JLM Consultores de Gestão, SA 
Recommended funding: €38,000.00 + IVA, 2012

Melhor e Mais Educação - Educação/formação e mercado de trabalho: Retornos da educação e Empregabilidade
NIMA team member: Priscila Ferreira [PI: Miguel Portela (NIPE), other members: ]
Funding body: Programa Operacional de Assistência Técnica FSE (QREN) Project no. 000598402012
Recommended funding: 54.960,00€ (30/09/2012 - 30/06/2014)

What do patients want from primary health care services? [O que querem os pacientes dos serviços de saúde primários?]
Principal Investigator:
Paula Veiga
Funding body: Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge, under the Programa de Concurso de Projectos de investigação em Serviços de Cuidados de Saúde Primários, 2011
Recommended funding: €19,180.00, Starting Sept/2012

Valoração económica dos impactos ambientais de energias renováveis
rincipal Investigator: Lígia Pinto (NIMA)
IMA Team Member: Anabela Botelho
Funding body: FCT - PTDC/EGE-ECO/122402/2010 (Overall rating: excellent)
Recommended funding €74,000.00, Starting May/2012

Economia e Educação em Portugal: porquê e para quem?
NIMA team members:
Priscila Ferreira, [PI: Miguel Portela (NIPE), other members: Carla Sá*, João Cerejeira*, Sílvia Sousa* (* NIPE), Marta Simões (GEMF/FE/UC), Pedro Teixeira (CIPES)]
Funding body/amount: FCT PTDC/EGE- ECO/122126/2010 (overall rating: excellent)
Recommended funding: €23,000.00 (1/Fev/2012 - 31/Jan/2015)

Estudo da Pobreza e vulnerabilidade
Principal Investigator: Paula Veiga
Funding body: UNICEF, Angola, 2011

Portugal Inovador em Saúde Internacionalização do sector da Saúde Nacional nos mercados de Angola, Brasil, E.U.A e Alemanha
NIMA Team Member: Paula Veiga
Funding body:
AICEP - Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal
, 2011

Estudo sobre: Prevenção, Produção, Recolha e Tratamento de Resíduos Hospitalares em Portugal Continental em 2010 [Prevention, Production and Collection of hospital waste in Continental Portugal during 2010]
NIMA Team Members: Anabela Botelho Lígia Maria Costa Pinto
Funding bodyERS - Entidade Reguladora da Saúde (Portuguese Entity Regulating Health), 2011

Strategic Research Project of the Applied Microeconomics Research Unit [NIMA]
Funding Body:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
Recommended funding:  €44.548,00
Reference: PEst-OE/EGE/UI3181/2011 
Duration: Jan 2011 – Dez 2012 (extended until December 2013)
End of project evaluation: 
Grade A: "The  predicted scientific targets were fully attained. The results suggest great scientific quality, namely with respect to publications in refereed international journals.  The project has contributed to the training of young researchers and to the international projection of the research team.

Auditoria do Tribunal de Contas ao INFARMED (INFARMED -National Authority of Medicines and Health Products, Public Institute
Principal Investigator: Paula Veiga (NIMA)
Funding body:
 Tribunal de Contas, 2010

The use of experimental economics methods in the assessment of consumer willingness to pay for traditional varieties of fruits and vegetables
rincipal Investigator: Anabela Botelho (NIMA)
IMA Team Member: Ligia Maria Costa Pinto
unding body: FCT -  FCT PTDC/EGE-ECO/114091/2009

Until 2007
Principal Investigator: Lurdes Martins (NIMA)
Funding body:
 FCT - FCT PTDC/ECO/66075/06

The economic costs of substance abuse in Portugal
Principal Investigator: Anabela Botelho (NIMA)
NIMA Team Members:
Ligia Maria Costa Pinto;Elvira Lima;Paula Veiga
Funding body:
 FCT - FCT POCI/EGE/55490/04

Setting markets for CO2 emission permits: an experimental investigation
Principal Investigator: Anabela Botelho, Lígia Pinto (NIMA)
Funding body: FCT - FCT POCTI/ECO/45435/02

Privatisation, Liberalisation and the Portuguese Telecommunications sector: a social cost-benefit analysis
Principal Investigador: Lurdes Martins (NIMA)
Funding body: ICP-ANACOM, 2005

Household over debt in the Trofa municipality
Principal Investigador: Lígia Pinto (NIMA)
Funding body: Trofa Municipality-Portugal, 2004-2005

The(non-visible) contribution: Family management of health care”
NIMA Team Member: Paula Veiga
Funding body: FCT - POCI/SOC/59282/2004, 2004

The Portugueseexternal trade in the first half of the 19th century
NIMA Team Member: Anabela Botelho
Funding body: FCT - POCI/HAR/59281/2004, 2004-2006

Experimental Economics Laboratory (LEEXP)
Principal Investigador: Anabela Botelho, Lígia Pinto (NIMA)
Funding body: FCT - FCT PRAXIS/C/ECO/13004/98

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