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Other Working Papers  

The Effect of Competition on Managers' Compensation: Evidence From a Quasi-natural Experiment
Ana P. Fernandes, Priscila Ferreira and L. Alan Winters
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 10054, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, UK, July 2014
Available online at: http://www.cepr.org/pubs/dps/DP10054.php

Firm Entry Deregulation, Competition and Returns to Education and Skill
Ana P. Fernandes, Priscila Ferreira and L. Alan Winters
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 9550, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, UK, July 2013
Available online at: http://www.cepr.org/pubs/dps/DP9550.asp

Time and Uncertainty in Resource Dilemmas: Equilibrium Solutions and Experimental Results
Anabela Botelho, Ariel Dinar, Lígia M. Costa Pinto, Amnon Rapoport
Working Paper 01-0912, Water Science and Policy Center, University of California, Riverside, USA 2012

On the behavioural relevance of optional and mandatory impure public goods: results from a laboratory experiment
Dirk Engelmann, Alistair Munro, Marieta Valente
Working Paper GRIPS 11-17, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan 2011

Determinants of Export Diversification and Sophistication in Sub-Saharan Africa

Paula Veiga, Manuel Herédia Cabral

FEUNL Working paper series No. 550, 2010

Green Goods: are they good or bad news for the environment? Evidence from a laboratory experiment on impure public goods

Marieta Valente, Alistair Munro

MPRA Paper N. 13024

The sources of interindustry wage differentials

Priscila Ferreira

Institute for Social and Economic Research (University of Essex) Working paper series, ISER WP2009-13

Returns to job mobility: the role of observed and unobserved factors

Priscila Ferreira

Institute for Social and Economic Research (University of Essex) Working paper series, ISER WP2009-12

The determinants of promotions and firm separations

Priscila Ferreira

Institute for Social and Economic Research (University of Essex) Working paper series, ISER WP2009-11

Privatisation, Liberalisation and the Portuguese Telecommunications sector: a social cost benefit analysis
Lurdes Martins, Natália Monteiro 
ANACOM Seminários, 2006

Discounting in Developing Countries: A Pilot Experiment in Timor-Leste
Anabela Botelho, Glenn Harrison, Lígia Pinto, Elisabet Rutström, Paula Veiga
Working Paper 05-31, Department of Economics, University of Central Florida, 2005

Testing Static Game Theory with Dynamic Experiments: A Case Study of Public Goods
Anabela Botelho, Glenn Harrison, Lígia Pinto, Elisabet Rutström
Working Paper 05-25, Department of Economics, University of Central Florida, 2005

Social Norms and Social Choice
Anabela Botelho, Glenn Harrison, Lígia Pinto, Elisabet Rutström
Working Paper 05-23, Department of Economics, University of Central Florida, 2005

The dynamics of job creation and destruction for University graduates: why a rising unemployment rate can be misleading
Ana Rute Cardoso, Priscila Ferreira
IZA Discussion Paper 623, Bonn, IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor), 2002

Bargaining Behavior, Demographics and Nationality: A Reconsideration of the Experimental Evidence
Anabela Botelho, Glenn Harrison, Marc Hirsch, Elisabet Rutström
Economics Working Papers Series B-01-08, Division of Research, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina, 2001 

Strategic behavior at trial-The production, reporting, and evaluation of complex evidence
Anabela Botelho
Social Science Electronic Publishing (SSRN Electronic Library), 2001

Multilateral negotiations over Climate Change Policy
Lígia Pinto, Glenn Harrison
Economics Working Papers Series B-00-06 Division of Research, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina, 2000
A produção e a estrutura de custos dos hospitais públicos: uma aplicação de um modelo translogarítmico
Elvira Lima
Documento de trabalho APES 2/2000, Lisboa, APES (Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Saúde), 2000
The financing systems and the performance of portuguese hospitals
Elvira Lima
Documento de trabalho APES 4/2000, Lisboa, APES (Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Saúde), 2000
Labor supply decisions of U.S. physicians revisited
Anabela Botelho, B. F. Kiker
Economics Working Paper Series B-99-07, U.S.A., University of South Carolina, 1999

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