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News of 2012-2013
2012 - 2013 News 

December 2013

Season's Greetings!

November 2013

Cheers to Priscila Ferreira who has had a research project recommended for funding by the FCT evaluation panel. Details on the project are as follows:
Title: The crisis within: Labour market (dis)functions and outcomes
Reference: EXPL/IIM-EC O/1207/2013
Research Team: Priscila Ferreira (PI, NIMA, UMinho); Lara Tavares (ISCSP, UTL), Vitória Mourão (ISCSP, UTL), Ana P. Fernandes (UExeter, UK)
Outcome: overall rating 8 (High Impact - Extremely strong with negligible weaknesses), recommended funding: ?14.939,00

This project has the financial support of

Latest working papers NIMA:

"More on the dynamic Vickrey mechanism for multi-unit auctions: an experimental study on the emission permits initial auction" by Anabela Botelho, Lígia M. Costa Pinto, Eduarda Fernandes (NIMA WP53)

Valuing wind farms? environmental impacts by geographical distance: A contingent valuation study in Portugal", by Anabela Botelho, Lígia M. Costa Pinto, Patrícia Sousa (NIMA WP52)

Consumer preferences for apple: Comparing the results of contingentvaluation method and a real purchasing situation", by Anabela Botelho, Lina Sofia Lourenço-Gomes, Lígia M. Costa Pinto (NIMA WP51)

October 2013
Paula Veiga presents "What?s Driving Day Surgery Diffusion? An Application to Portuguese Public Hospitals" (co-authored with Sílvia Sousa) in a parallel session at the 13th anual conference of the Portuguese Association of Health Economics (APES)

Paula Veiga presents "Population Preferences in Primary Health Care in Portugal" (co-authored with Isabel Correia, Patricia Norwood and Verity Watson) in a poster session at The 13th anual conference of the Portuguese Association of Health Economics (APES)

The 13th anual conference of the Portuguese Association of Health Economics (APES) took place at the University of Minho in October 10 - 12, 2013. Marieta Valente (NIMA) and Sílvia Sousa (NIPE) from the University of Minho, were part of the local organizing committee. Anabela Botelho (NIMA) and Paula Veiga (NIMA) were part of the Scientific Committee.

October 2nd - Priscila Ferreira presents "Firm entry deregulation, competition and returns to education and skill" at the NIPE Seminar Series

September 2013
Priscila Ferreira, Ana P. Fernandes, and L Alan Winters on VoxEU.org:
"Is deregulating firm entry good for the workers? Which workers?"

Book Chapter
On Trust, Knowledge Sharing and Innovation
in Pablos, P. O. & Tennyson R. D. Strategic Approaches for Human Capital Management and Development in a Turbulent Economy, IGI Global, 2013.
Isabel Martins, Ana Martins e Orlando Petiz Pereira (Chapter 10)

Recently published articles:
Preservation of a rural and cultural landscape. Insights from the multinomial and error components logit model
Lígia Pinto, Lina Lourenço-Gomes, João F. Rebelo
New Medit, vol 12, n.2, (June 2013), pp. 65-72

Soft skills: from university to the work environment. Analysis of a Survey of Graduates in Portugal
Orlando P. Pereira
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 2013, vol. 13, issue 1, pages 105-118

July 2013
Working paper at the Centre for Economic Policy Research:
Firm Entry Deregulation, Competition and Returns to Education and Skill
Ana P. Fernandes, Priscila Ferreira and L. Alan Winters
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 9550

June 2013
A group of researchers from NIMA and NIPE have joined efforts to host the European Society for Population Economics annual conference in 2014. Erik Plug, University of Amsterdam, will serve as the program chair and Priscila Ferreira as coordinator of the local organizing team. The keynote speakers will be Christian Dustmann (University College London) and Michele Tertilt (University of Mannheim). The presidential address will be given by James Albrecht (Georgetown University). Visit the conference website at www.especonferences.org

Priscila Ferreira presents "Wage inequality, business strategy and productivity" at the 27th ESPE anual conference at Aarhus University, Denmark, June 12-15, 2013 

May 2013
FCT organizes the conference: Smart Specialization - Diagnóstico do Sistema de Investigação e Inovação: Desafios, Forças e Fraquezas rumo a 2020; Conferência Pública | 13 de maio 2013, Fundação Champalimaud, Lisboa

FCT news:
Financiamento de Projetos Estratégicos promovidos por Unidades de I&D e Laboratórios Associados 2013-2014

April 2013
Latest working papers NIMA:
       "Linking Appropriation of Common Resources and Provision of Public Goods Decreases Rate of Destruction of the Commons", by Anabela Botelho, Ariel Dinar, Lígia M. Costa Pinto, Amnon Rapoport (NIMA WP 50)

      "The impact of regulatory compliance behavior on hazardous waste generation in European private healthcare facilities" by Anabela Botelho (NIMA WP 49)

       "Firm Entry Deregulation, Competition and Returns to Education and Skill" by Ana P. Fernandes, Priscila Ferreira and L. Alan Winters (NIMA WP 48)

March 2013
Encontra-se aberto um concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação, no âmbito do projecto com o título ?Valoração económica dos impactos ambientais de energias renováveis?, com a referência PTDC/EGE/ECO/122402/2010, associado ao Núcleo de Investigação em Microeconomia Aplicada (NIMA) da Universidade do Minho, financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) e co-financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE ? Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC)
Mais info sobre este concurso no site:

ideas #1 - Newsletter of the European Research Council

Resultados FCT: Programa ?incentivo" 2013

Priscila Ferreira, "Mulheres dirigem um terço dos centros de investigação da UMinho",  Nós- Jornal online da UMinho, nº30 Março 2013

February 2013
FCT - Avaliação 2013: "A próxima avaliação de instituições de I&D vai decorrer durante o ano de 2013, conforme anunciado em abril de 2012. Como preparação dessa avaliação, a FCT lançou uma consulta pública sobre a proposta de regulamento, para a qual solicita a participação de toda a comunidade científica."

Encontra-se aberto um concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação a Licenciado (a), no âmbito do projeto com o título ?O que querem os pacientes dos serviços de saúde primários? ?, associado ao Núcleo de Investigação em Microeconomia Aplicada (NIMA) da Universidade do Minho, financiado pelo Ministério da Saúde/INSA, I.P. 
Mais info sobre este concurso no site:

Lígia Pinto (w/ Lina Lourenço-Gomes & João F. Rebelo) publishes
"Visitors? preferences for preserving the attributes of a world heritage site", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2013 (in press) doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2013.01.003

A focus group has been organized at the University of Minho in the context of the research project "What do patients want from primary health care services?" the research team is composed of Paula Veiga (UMinho, NIMA), Patricia Fernandes (UAberdeen) and Verity Watson (UAberdeen)

January 2013
Lurdes Martins presents "Uncertainty, complexity and informational barriers in tariff choice: does numeracy help consumers?" at the
Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy Workshop, City University of London, UK, 24 January 2013

Anabela Botelho presents "Time and Uncertainty in Resource Dilemmas: Equilibrium Solutions and Experimental Results?, at the American Economic Association (AEA) 2013 Annual Meeting, in the Session in memory of Elinor Ostrom: "Common-Pool Resource Dilemmas-Current Prespective", jointly organized by the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) and the AEA 2013 Annual Meeting, 4 a 6 de january de 2013, San Diego, California, USA


December 2012

Cheers to Marieta Valente who has had a project recommended for funding by FCT. The details are as follows:
Title: Bens éticos e comportamentos pro-sociais no contexto de experiências económicas
Project reference: PTDC/IIM-ECO/4574/2012
Decision: Recommended for Funding - Total Funding: €25.749,00
Overall Rating: Outstanding
This project has the financial support of

November 2012
Lígia Pinto (w/ C. Simões and C. Bernardo) publishes "Environmental and economic assessment of a road safety product made with virgin and recycled HDPE: A comparative study", Journal of Environmental Management (2012), 1-7

October 2012
Anabela Botelho publishes "
Determinants of compliance with healthcare waste management regulations by European private healthcare facilities", International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Systems (2012), 3 (2): 78-84

Hooray to Experimental Economics, Game Theory and Market Design!
Alvin E. Roth & Lloyd S. Shapley are the
Nobel Prize Laureates in Economic Sciences 2012

Latest working paper NIMA:
Equilibrium Solutions and Experimental Results
, by Anabela Botelho (NIMA WP 47)

September 2012
Anabela Botelho presents "Time and Uncertainty in Resource Dilemmas: Equilibrium Solutions and Experimental Results" at the WSPC Seminar Series, University of California Riverside, 27 September (http://events.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi?comp_id=38360:20120927120000)

Priscila Ferreira presents "Firm entry deregulation, competition and returns to education and skill." at the 24th European Association of Labour Economists [EALE], 20-22 September, Bonn, Germany

Paula Veiga presents "Export diversification and sophistication and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa" at the Fourteenth Annual Conference European Trade Study Group 2012 [ETSG], 13-15 September, Leuven, Bélgica

Eduarda Fernandes presents "The dynamic Vickrey auction for the initial allocation of emission permits ? A comparison between experimental studies" at Economic Science Association European Conference 2012 [ESA],12-15 September, Cologne, Germany

August 2012
Encontra-se aberto o concurso para a atribuição de duas Bolsas de Investigação a Licenciado(a), no âmbito do projecto ?Valoração económica dos impactos ambientais de energias renováveis? (PTDC/EGE-ECO/122402/2010) associado ao Núcleo de Investigação em Microeconomia Aplicada (NIMA) da UMinho.
Mais info sobre este concurso no site:

July 2012
Latest working paper NIMA:
      "An empirical analysis of the factors influencing compliance with healthcare waste management regulations", by Anabela Botelho (NIMA WP 46)

Marieta Valente presents ?Does repetition affect altruism via ethical goods? Results from an economics experiment" at the
6th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, July 6 - 7, Faculdade de Economia do Porto

June 2012
Priscila Ferreira presents "Firms and workers: who fails in times of crisis?" at the 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, June 20 - 23, University of Bern, Switzerland

May 2012
Paula Veiga part of the Organizing Committee of the Conference
"Perspectivas e Desafios da Internacionalização do Sector da Saúde", Lisbon, 10 May 2012

Congratulations to the NIMA research affiliate Mark Taylor who has been promoted to Professor in Economics at the University of Essex. Well done Professor Mark!!

April 2012
FCT organizes the event
SCIENCE 2012: Portugal? Paths of excellence in science and technology", Lisbon, April 24th

What is Excellence?
The Aarhus Declaration: Investing in excellence - Preparing for tomorrow

Lurdes Martins presents "Confusion in cell phone plans choice: how can regulation improve welfare?"  at the8th annual Competition & Regulation Meeting on the topic: Behavioral Competition and Regulation, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, April 20, 2012.

Lígia Pinto (w/ C. Simões and C. Bernardo) publish "
Modelling the economic and environmental performance of engineering products: a materials selection case study", International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2012), 17 (6): 678-688. [doi: 10.1007/s11367-012-0414-y]

Gabriel Leite Mota
"O dinheiro traz felicidade, mas...", Visão, 4 Abril 2012

March 2012
Priscila Ferreira attends the
GINI Project Mid-Term Conference -- Inequalities and their Impacts in European Societies, Budapest, 23?24 March, 2012.  ("Wage inequality, business strategy and productivity", with J. Cerejeira, M. Portela, S. Sousa)

Leite Mota. ?A liberalização do sistema financeiro é o doping da economia?, ionline, 22 Mar 2012

Priscila Ferreira "
As damas de ferro dos nossos dias", Nós- Jornal online da UMinho, nº21 Março 2012

Lígia Pinto (w/ C. Simões and C. Bernardo) publish "Modelling the environmental performance of composite products: Benchmark with traditional materials", Materials and Design 39 (2012): 121?130. [doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2012.02.027]

Anabela Botelho and Lígia Pinto (w/ Isabel Dinis) publish "
The impact of information and other factores on on-farm agrobiodiversity conservation: evidence from a duration analysis of Portuguese fruit growers", Spanish Journal of Agricultural Reserach, 2012, 10(1): 3-17. [doi: 10.5424/sjar/2012101-469-10]

January 2012
Lígia Pinto
part of the Organizing Committee of the Vth GECAMB Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting, which will take place at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 25th ? 26th October, 2012.


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