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November 2017

New on NIMA WP series

October 2017

Paula Veiga Benesch designada membro da Comissão de Avaliação de Tecnologias de Saúde (CATS) - órgão consultivo do INFARMED - Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I. P. (INFARMED, I. P.).

August 2017

Recently Published

July 2017

Recently Published

The importance of soft skills in the university academic curriculum: The perceptions of the students in the new society of knowledge
Orlando Petiz Pereira, Carlos Alberto A.T. Costa
International Journal of Business and Social Research, 7 (3): 25-34 
DOI: 10.18533/ijbsr.v7i6.1052

Effect of Wind Farm Noise on Local Residents' Decision to Adopt Mitigation Measures
Anabela Botelho, Pedro Arezes, Carlos Bernardo, Hernâni Dias and Lígia Pinto
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14(7), 753 
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph14070753

June 2017

Priscila Ferreira presented "Gender differences in the compensation and job mobility of top executives." at the European Society for Population Economics [ESPE], 31st Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. (14-17 June 2017) 

May 2017

Recently Published

Elvira Pacheco Vieira, Orlando Pereira, Sofia Gomes
European Journal of Applied Business Management, 3(1), 2017, pp. 68-85

Firm shutdown during the financial and the sovereign debt crises: Empirical evidence from Portugal
Priscila Ferreira, George Saridakis 
International Journal of the Economics of Business
, 24(2):153-179
DOI: 10.1080/13571516.2017.1309105

Do healthcare professionals have different views about healthcare rationing than college students? A mixed methods study in Portugal
Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana; Cookson, Richard
Public Health Ethics, May (2017)
DOI: 10.1093/phe/phx005

April 2017

Paula Veiga has been elected officer of the Executive Board of the Portuguese Society of Health Economics [APES].

Recently Published

On the behavioural relevance of optional and mandatory impure public goods
Dirk Engelmann, Alistair Munro, Marieta Valente
Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 61, August 2017, Pages 134-144
DOI: 10.1016/j.joep.2017.04.002 


Prémio António Dornelas - prazo para a submissão de projectos: 8 de Maio

Mais info: http://www.gep.msess.gov.pt/premio/index.php

March 2017


The effect of competition on executive compensation and incentives: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
Ana P. Fernandes, Priscila Ferreira, L. Alan Winters
Journal of Human Resources
, forthcoming [pdf appendix]
DOI: 10.3368/jhr.53.3.0215-6963R1 

Bedsides healthcare rationing dilemmas: A survey from Bulgaria and comparison with Portugal
DOI: 10.1057/s41285-017-0029-2


Recently published

Perceptions and valuation of GM food: A study on the impact and importance of information provision
Marieta Valente, Cristina Chaves
Journal of Cleaner Production, forthcoming
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.02.042

Assessment of the environmental impacts associated with hydropower
Anabela Botelho, Paula Ferreira, Fátima Lima, Lígia M. Costa Pinto, Sara Sousa
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017): 896-904
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.271

Financing Constraints and Fixed-Term Employment: Evidence from the 2008-9 Financial Crisis
Ana P. Fernandes and Priscila Ferreira
European Economic Review, 92 (2017): 215-238
DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2016.12.009

January 2017

Forthcoming book chapters

Challenges Enhancing Social and Organizational Performance
Ana Martins, Isabel Martins e Orlando Pereira
chapter 2 in Handbook of Research on Human Resources Strategies for the New Millennial Workforce, IGI Global 2017
Editors: Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos and Robert D. Tennyson

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0948-6.ch002

Embracing Innovation and Creativity through the Capacity of Unlearning
Ana Martins, Isabel Martins e Orlando Pereira
chapter 7 in Handbook of Research on Human Resources Strategies for the New Millennial Workforce, IGI Global 2017
Editors: Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos and Robert D. Tennyson
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0948-6.ch007

Shift in Paradigm: Organizational Values and Performance
Ana Martins, Isabel Martins e Orlando Pereira
chapter 7 in Global Perspectives on Development Administration and Cultural Change, IGI Global 2017

Editors: Gbenga Emmanuel Afolayan and Akeem Ayofe Akinwale
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0629-4.ch007

Feedback and Feedforward Dynamics: Nexus of Organizational Learning and Leadership Self-Efficacy
Ana Martins, Isabel Martins e Orlando Pereira
chapter 16 in Encyclopedia of Strategic Leadership and Management
IGI Global 2017

Editor: Victor C. X. Wang
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1049-9.ch016


December 2016


Public Perceptions of Environmental Friendliness of Renewable Energy Power Plants
Anabela Botelho, Lígia M.C. Pinto, Lina Lourenço-Gomes, Marieta Valente, Sara Sousa
Energy Procedia, 106: 73-86 (December 2016)
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2016.12.106

New on NIMA WP Series:

A sustainable and symbiotic relationship between human occupation and a natural waterscape. The Afife case study, from the XIIth to the XXth century.
Cristina Joanaz, Lígia Pinto, Paulo Ramísio, Estelita Vaz  
Working Paper NIMA 66, Braga, Universidade do Minho, 2016

Choice of emergency health services: an experimental study
Tânia Fernandes, Anabela Botelho, Isabel Correia Dias, Lígia Pinto, Jorge Teixeira, Paula Veiga-Benesch
Working Paper NIMA 65, Braga, Universidade do Minho, 2016

Accounting for local impacts of photovoltaic farms: two stated preferences approaches
Anabela Botelho, Lina Lourenço-Gomes, Lígia Pinto, Sara Sousa, Marieta Valente
Working Paper NIMA 64, Braga, Universidade do Minho, 2016

November 2016

Recently Published:

A Green City: Impossible Dream or Necessity?
Mauro Agnoletti, Rui Baptista, Renato Henriques, Paula Nogueira, Lígia M. Costa Pinto, Paulo J. Ramísio, Antonio Santoro, José Cardoso Teixeira, Estelita Vaz
Chapter 20 in Environmental History in the Making, Volume 7 of the series Environmental History; pp 355-376
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41139-2_20

October 2016

NIMA Working Paper N. 61 "Firm Shutdown during the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Empirical Evidence from Portugal" (Priscila Ferreira and George Saridakis) within list of Highly Commended papers by the Institute for Small Business and Entrepeneurship [ISBE ]

New on NIMA WP Series:

Leaving Home and Destination of Early Nest-Leavers: Ethnicity, Spaces and Prices
Aslan Zorlu, Ruben van Gaalen
Working Paper NIMA 63, Braga, Universidade do Minho, 2016

Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers in Small Local Communities
Aslan Zorlu

Working Paper NIMA 62, Braga, Universidade do Minho, 2016

September 2016

Recently Published:
Environmental behavior: a comparative study between Brazilian and Portuguese students
Côrtes, Pedro Luiz; Dias, António Guerner; Fernandes, Maria Eduarda da Silva Teixeira; Pamplona, Jorge Manuel Vieira
Ambiente & Sociedade, Vol.19 (3), pp. 111-134, São Paulo, July/Sept. 2016.

Lígia Pinto
member of the editorial team of two volumes:

Environmental History in the Making - Volume I: Explaining
Editors: Vaz, Estelita, Joanaz de Melo, Cristina, Costa Pinto, Lígia M.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41085-2

Environmental History in the Making - Volume II: Acting
Editors: Vaz, Estelita, Joanaz de Melo, Cristina, Costa Pinto, Lígia M.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41139-2

(forthcoming November, 2016)


Forthcoming book chapter:

EU ETS Trading Rules: An Experimental Examination of the Ausubel Auctioning Allocation
Anabela Botelho, Eduarda Fernandes e Lígia Costa Pinto
in: The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change, Vol. 4, Chapter 8

The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change [In 4 Volumes]
(Forthcoming December 2016)
Editor-in-chief: Ariel Dinar (UC Riverside)
Edited by: Felix Munoz-Garcia (Washington State University, USA), Ana Espinola-Arredondo (Washington State University, USA), Richard M Matthew (UC Irvine), Tony Bryant (Macquarie University, Australia), Anabela Botelho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

August 2016

Análise da decisão de entrega de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos em Portugal
Carla Ferreira, Lígia M. Costa Pinto
Águas & Resíduos, VI. 1 (2016), forthcoming

July 2016

Recently Published:
The market of electrical and electronic equipment waste in Portugal: Analysis of take-back consumers' decisions
Anabela Botelho, Marta Ferreira Dias, Carla Ferreira and Lígia M Costa Pinto
Waste Management & Research, July 2016


June 2016

New on NIMA WP Series

Firm Shutdown during the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Empirical Evidence from Portugal
Priscila Ferreira and George Saridakis
Working Paper NIMA 61, Braga, Universidade do Minho, 2016

or here: http://www3.eeg.uminho.pt/publications/NIMAwp61.pdf

May 2016

Recently Published:
UK evidence for the determinants of R&D intensity from a panel fsQCA
Journal of Business Research, forthcoming
Marieta Valente, Maria João Guedes, Vítor da Conceição Gonçalves, Nuno Soares

Social sustainability of renewable energy sources in electricity production: an application of the contingent valuation method
ustainable Cities and Society, forthcoming
Anabela Botelho, Lígia M.C. Pinto, Lina Lourenço-Gomes, Marieta Valente, Sara Sousa

April 2016

Recently Published:

Employment, turnover and career progress.
Priscila Ferreira

in George Saridakis and Cooper, Cary L. eds. (2016) Research Handbook on Employee Turnover. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Chapter 14
DOI: 10.4337/9781784711153


March 2016

Call for papers: 1st Global Entrepreneurship Development (GEDC) Conference - Kingston University London

PhD thesis successfully defended:
Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energies in Portugal
Degree: PhD in Economics, University of Minho
Candidate: Sara Sousa
Supervisors: Anabela Botelho and Lígia Pinto

February 2016

Professor George Saridakis (Kingston Business School) has become NIMA Research Affiliate. Welcome aboard George!

January 2016

Prestação de serviço: "Elaboração do Plano de Ação para a Regeneração Urbana (PARU) do Município da Batalha" (para apoio à submissão de candidatura ao Programa Operacional "Sustentabilidade e Eficiência no Uso dos Recursos" no âmbito do Portugal2020)
Cliente: Câmara Municipal da Batalha
Preço: 9.800 ? +  IVA à taxa legal em vigor.
Adjudicado em janeiro de 2016 e com duração prevista de 4 meses.
Equipa técnica: Maria Eduarda Fernandes (coordenadora do projeto), Ana Lúcia Sargento, Ana Sofia Lopes

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